Skills and Achivements




    Front End:

  • HTML , CSS & Javascript Designing Web/App interfaces in web applications,for game development etc.
  • Back End

  • Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis.
  • Data Base

  • SQL and MySQL access and manipulate database. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

    To-do Website

  • A list of tasks that an individual needs to complete or accomplish.
  • Technologies used:HTML,CSS,JavaScript,JS Essential
  • User Login Page

  • A unique username and associated password provisioned to an identifiable individual to permit them to access the Services.
  • Technologies used:HTML,CSS,JavaScript.

    Currcular Activities

  • Participant certificate of ' Swachata Volunteer'

  • Participants certificate of A One Day National Level Student Technical Symposium organized by department of Computer Science and Engineering.